Support Us:

Whether through a one-off donation, regular giving, a fundraising event, volunteering or being an Ambassador for the charity and raising awareness - we truly appreciate all of the support we receive, as do the deserving families who benefit from the dreams we deliver.

Below are some fundraising ideas and the options when it comes to volunteering.  If you've got any ideas about how else you or your company may be able to support Promise Dreams then we'd love to hear from you!  You can email us at or give us a call on 01902 212451 - please note, we are a very small team but we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Volunteers are essential to what we do at Promise Dreams.  By volunteering you will be making a real difference to the lives of seriously ill and terminally ill children and their families.

People volunteer for many different reasons but one thing that unites them all is that they find it rewarding and varied.  It's a great way to meet new and like-minded people and can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem and life satisfaction.  You are doing good for others which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. 

Whatever your reasons for volunteering for us, we are really grateful and want to make sure you have a fantastic experience in return.

There are lots of options when it comes to volunteering, intended to suit you no matter what your skill-set is and how much time you have to give.

Ambassadors help raise awareness by attending events to talk about the work of Promise Dreams and encourage others to become involved.  They also connect with their customers, employees and other businesses to help us raise money and raise awareness.

Team Members use their specific skills such as administrative, PR, organisational expertise to help us - working remotely or in the office to support with Dream admin and co-ordination, raising awareness and fundraising.

Supporters help us on an ad-hoc basis, perhaps by selling raffle tickets, handing out leaflets, supporting events or talking to others about Promise Dreams when they get the chance.

Hosting a Fundraiser:

As a charity which relies entirely on donations, we're so grateful for your support - so if you're thinking of hosting a fundraiser for Promise Dreams, then thank you!

There are so many poorly children out there who would benefit from a dream, that's why we'd love to hear from you and to assist you with leaflets, sponsor forms, t-shirts, balloons and other marketing materials as required.

All events must be registered with us in order for us to support with these materials - so please fill in the form below, after which you'll receive a letter authorising you to fundraise on our behalf. 

If you'd like to chat to us before submitting the form, please call 01902 212451 or email

Thank you again for your kindness!

School Fundraising:

We are always looking for new schools to come on board and support us; whether they host a non-uniform day, a sponsored silence, sports day, bake off or any other fundraiser. Some schools even choose Promise Dreams as their charity of the year and raise money for us throughout that time.

We will aim to support both staff and students throughout your fundraising, can provide letters and leaflets to send home to parents, and (location dependent) can visit to talk to pupils first-hand about how their donations will be used.

Upcoming Events:

Fundraising Options for Businesses:

Charity of the Year:

Working together, we can make it a year to remember with Promise Dreams as your chosen charity. Our team will help provide opportunities for your staff to take part in a range of engaging events to help motivate and empower them.

Feedback from organisations who've previously chosen us as their Charity of the Year has been overwhelmingly positive, with the choice helping them fulfill their CSR needs whilst staff have felt 'passionate' and 'identified with the cause'.

Benefits of your business working with a Charity Partner:

Recruitment benefits

Staff Retention

To attract investment

For marketing purposes

Competitive advantage

Brand Enhancement

Morale, Motivation & Team Building

Business Opportunities

Payroll Giving:

Payroll Giving - also known as Give As You Earn or Workplace Giving - allows anyone who pays UK income tax to give regularly on a tax-free basis. 

It's a valuable, long term source of revenue for us while enabling your team to maximise their support as the money is deducted from their salary before they pay tax (so a monthly donation of £5 would only cost a basic-rate tax payer £4).


Promise Dreams has some fantastic sponsorship opportunities available. We see sponsorship as a partnership where, in return for a donation, the company will gain fantastic exposure, low-cost marketing and the knowledge that they are helping to raise even more money to make dreams come true.

A great way to promote your organisation is by sponsoring part of our annual fundraising ball which is attended by a very supportive network of local business people.  This could be sponsoring the drinks reception; the room decorations; the entertainment or even the whole event.  Please talk to us if you are interested about bespoke packages.

Unclaimed Client Balances:

Up to £500 of unclaimed funds can be paid to a charity without permission from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (providing certain safeguards are met). Amounts over £500 can be paid with SRA permission if indemnity insurance is taken over by the charity (Promise Dreams is happy to do this).

Unclaimed client account balances are sums of money which lie dormant in the client account of many firms of solicitors, often untouched for years. It may be that the rightful owner cannot be traced, or perhaps they will not provide instructions on how the funds should be dealt with. An attempt may have been made to return the monies to the client, but the cheque has remained un-cashed.

Regardless of their age or origin, these balances can all be disposed of cost-effectively and permanently, with the knowledge that poorly children are benefitting from this otherwise unused money.

Call us on 01902 212451 or email the team on to talk through any of the options above. Or if you'd simply like to send a one-off or monthly donation via JustGiving, you can do so here.

Following us on social media and sharing our updates also helps us enormously when it comes to raising awareness of Promise Dreams.
